Respectful Workplaces Survey

Leaders often struggle to demonstrate their results with Aboriginal employment and workplace initiatives. To help clients measure their Aboriginal employment progress effectively, Blakworks has developed the Respectful Workplaces Survey.

The Respectful Workplaces Survey is a short survey that can be sent to a chosen cohort (staff, clients, volunteers, or members) to gather information on the number of Aboriginal staff. This data is crucial for setting meaningful goals and designing strategies for Aboriginal employment.

Blakworks compiles the survey results and delivers a concise report to clients, enabling them to measure program efficacy and track implementation progress.

Survey Content

  1. Cohort and segment

  2. Support in the organisation

  3. Cultural capability continuum

  4. The Question

  5. Interest in participating in future initiatives

Screenshots of some questions can be found in the Comms Swipe Files below.

Complete the Survey Order Form

You’ll need to have decided:

  • Your cohorts

  • Your segment (if needed)

  • Primary survey contact

  • Survey open date

Schedule Communications

  1. Choose channels

  2. Message

  3. Determine frequency

This file is a google doc. You’ll be able to view, but not edit. You can copy and paste into your own place, or you can make a copy and have your own editable google doc, or you can export to docx or pdf formats.


A top-sheet report will be available within ~4-6 weeks of the survey closing.

Full results will be available within ~6-8 weeks of survey closing.

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