Create a safer and more respectful workplace and grow your Aboriginal workforce

with an

Aboriginal Employment and Workplace Specialist

Everyone on board

A safer and more respectful workplace

More Aboriginal staff

Blakworks is 100% Aboriginal-owned and managed

About Me

Hi, I’m Lindsay Stanford.

I'm a proud Gamilaraay woman, and the Founder & Principal of Blakworks.

I believe not for profit leaders want more than a tick-a-box approach or to be tokenistic. I know how important it is to get it right. And, I know many savvy leaders don’t know how. They spend time and money hoping to find something that works.

That’s why I’ve spent over 25 years developing a suite of products to help not for profit organisations build safer and more respectful workplaces for Aborignal people – and I can help you.

I support savvy not for profit leaders to create safer and more respectful workplaces so they can grow their Aboriginal workforce. You can make a real difference for Aboriginal people, and find the strategies that will work for you.

I believe there is a way for employers to make Aboriginal employment work. I know that they want to do better, and need to do better, in providing opportunities for Aboriginal people to have success in their workplaces. And just as importantly, I believe they can do better. With a little help and guidance, not for profit leaders can make Aboriginal employment work for everyone.

I know not for profit leaders want to do better with Aboriginal employment, but they don’t know how.
— Lindsay Stanford, Founder and Principal

The right program mix for you

Aboriginal Cultural Awareness for Workplaces

Not just an Aboriginal cultural awareness but one designed specifically for workplaces to get everyone on board with your Aboriginal employment plans.

Respectful Workplaces

Prepare your workplace to be safer and more respectful. Put in place key policies and systems to help you find success with Aboriginal employment.

The Fast Track

Develop and implement a simple effective Aboriginal employment strategy so you can find and keep more Aboriginal staff to reach your goals and have the impact you want.